
Information, knowledge and training to help you make the most of your membership and grow your business.

Three steps to Traction! - book online

Wed 8th Jan,2025

Philippa Constable & Leanne Matthews

07871 463701

£Free to members/£99 + VAT for Non Members

10am - 1pm

Click Here to Book

Pure Offices
Kestrel court, Harbour Rd, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7AN

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When business owners are not seeing the results they want, it’s usually because there’s a tension between what they want, and what they’re doing.  Whilst how that tension manifests might be different for each person/business, ultimately, activity that isn’t aligned with intention is a momentum and growth killer!

Winging it may have worked in the early start-up days of your business, but it’s not a strategy for growth.

You need a proper business strategy. 

When we are clear about what we deliver, and who for, who we are, where we are going, and why, misaligned actions like: targeting the wrong clients, messaging that doesn’t resonate, inappropriately packaged or priced products, and inadequate processes & systems, are replaced with intentional actions that lead to desired results.

During this workshop, we will explore VMA, a strategic business growth model that when adopted, and followed will enable you to replace the tension that is keeping you stuck (or worse, wheel spinning!), with traction, so that you move towards your vision with relative ease.

Imagine... - Waking up each day knowing EXACTLY where your business is heading and feeling truly INSPIRED and MOTIVATED to make it happen - Knowing and believing that the successful business you aspire to have is not just possible, but INEVITABLE.

Tamsen Garrie can support you in making this vision a reality. You can learn more about her by visiting her website


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