
News, views, advice and opinions from our experts and business community


by Yasmin McGlashan on 19th Sep 2024

Social media can be a black hole for your time if you’re not careful. Whether it’s trying to think of ideas, posting every day or the dreaded doom scrolling to find relevant pages to follow, we’re all guilty of it. Here...

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by Tim Martin on 22nd May 2024

I’ve been looking around for stats about business lifespans in the UK. According to the FSB it seems that there are 3.1 million sole traders, out of a total of 5.6 million small businesses. After a bit more rummaging around the...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 25th Mar 2024

What do you think is more important - the big win or the little win? I expect you’ve started reading this expecting me to pit them against each other, have them battle it out for the top spot and end up telling you that one...

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by Andrew Cope on 23rd Aug 2023

A mobile app is a software application designed to run on smartphones and other mobile devices. They need to be downloaded and installed on a device for users to access their functionality. The key difference is that a Mobile app...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 20th Jul 2023

If part of what you do involves having access to client social media accounts through your own social media accounts, then believe me - the level of security you put on your accounts is bonkers.  We all know that we should...

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by Andrew Cope on 30th Jun 2023

In the world of software development, one size does not fit all. Businesses today require custom-tailored solutions that address their unique challenges and goals. This is where we believe that adopting a consultative approach to...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 27th Jun 2023

Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen if a hacker managed to take over your social media accounts? Or maybe you’ve had the absolute horror of that actually happening? As much as we all hate to admit it - the...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 9th May 2023

The sun is shining (sometimes), the weather is warming up (sometimes), and when we aren’t dealing with gale force wind and downpours that threaten to drown us, it’s almost tempting to throw open the windows and let in the...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 9th Nov 2022

It's easy to feel that as a business owner you need to be able to function on just 3 hours sleep and quite a lot of caffeine. When the to-do list seems never ending, emails are stacking up and you’re sick of seeing your...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 14th Oct 2022

Life is getting busier, and for the ‘average’ business owner (not that there's really any such thing!) it's even more so. The balancing act that is making sure everything happens as and when it’s meant to...

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by Yasmin McGlashan on 16th Sep 2022

How many of us have a bulging inbox, stuffed to the brim with newsletters from companies we bought a product from once about 8 years ago? Unless you’re strict, the daily deluge of newsletters and marketing promotions straight...

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by Philippa Constable on 20th Jul 2022

  It’s not often we talk about the plus side of the pandemic, but the one thing it did do for us is open up the world of online networking. Before we all went into lock down, networking was very much about leaving...

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by Philippa Constable on 6th Jun 2022

In the 14 years that I have been networking and organising networking events one of the things I hear more times than I can shake a stick at is “I tried networking but it didn’t work for me”.  Often, when I...

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by Michaela Crumpton on 11th Feb 2022

I'm Still Standing!  I was reminded about this song during Razzamataz Classes last week ,the youngsters were singing with gusto Yeah Yeah Yeah!  And we asked what they think of when they sing the phrase "im still...

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by Henry Campbell-Jones on 18th May 2021

At Hornblower, helping businesses secure a successful exit, based on a clear valuation and an established network of willing buyers is our stock-in-trade. The majority of businesses we work with are at the mature stage, having traded...

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by Cecelia Fadipe on 1st Feb 2021

1. Review, Modify and Adapt A business plan is not set-in-stone. We believe that business plans should be transformative, sustainable, and agile in summary, be prepared to pivot the course of action and sets of decisions that...

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by Philippa Constable on 18th Nov 2020

There’s no denying that online networking is the new normal and, as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, I believe that it is here to stay in some form even when life starts to get back to normal and we can meet more freely...

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by Philippa Constable on 24th Sep 2020

In a word, YES! But like with everything in business the results very much depend on the on going effort you put it.  It’s very easy to jump from network meeting to network meeting, throwing a few business cards...

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by Philippa Constable on 25th Aug 2020

  Networking is all about building relationships and at We Mean Biz and Women Mean Biz we are so proud of the friendships and community spirit that you have all built with each other over the years. Of course these relationships...

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by Philippa Constable on 24th Jul 2020

The past few months have been very strange for business owners all over the world, but here in our little corner of the UK we have been heartened to see that the majority of this wonderful community of business people have been making...

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by Michaela Crumpton on 30th May 2020

So, hello, mmmm a blog, ok being a tech dinosaur and the wrong side of 50 what have I to loose ! If it goes wrong I've got the Menopause to blame!!

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by James Cridland on 27th May 2020

Passing on wealth to family is an important consideration for many people when looking at their financial planning. For those who have dependants, the ways you can pass on your pension may affect how you decide to take income from...

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by James Cridland on 19th May 2020

Take advantage of our complimentary web-based advisory service that gives businesses the opportunity to get the guidance from SME specialists. These sessions are run by business growth advisors Elephants Child. CEO Martin Brown...

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by James Cridland on 12th May 2020

Coleridge Wealth Management offer bespoke financial advice and wealth management to individuals, businesses and trustees in a wide range of areas including tax efficient investment planning, retirement planning, pension planning, estate...

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by James Cridland on 4th May 2020

How coronavirus has underlined the importance of always being prepared. The financial and economic impacts of the coronavirus crisis have thrown up a host of issues for individuals and families to consider.  There has...

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by James Cridland on 21st Apr 2020

How employers can benefit from the new measures to support businesses. The feeling of trying to play catch-up following a major government announcement will be a familiar one for many business owners.  On 20 March, the...

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by James Cridland on 15th Apr 2020

The health of family and friends will be uppermost in people’s minds right now. Consequently, the start of a new tax year may have passed relatively unnoticed. However, thinking longer term and beyond the immediate crisis, and...

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by Ros Conkie on 2nd Mar 2020

When I start working with a new client, one of the first questions I ask is, "Who is your ideal customer?"   And the most common answer I get is "anyone!"   Sometimes people are more specific...

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by Jerry Walsingham on 23rd Jan 2020

New Years Eve saw the first mixed sex couples form Civil Partnerships following a change in the law last year. This is significant because for couples who are not married nor in a Civil Partnership, neither party has any automatic...

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by Matthew Colley on 20th Jan 2020

How does a good Mortgage Advisor know what to recommend? This is the third in my series of my ‘A step by step guide ..’ blogs, and therefore the logical next step if you have already read ‘A Step by Step Guide...

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by Matthew Colley on 20th Jan 2020

Why do you need a mortgage broker, and what will they do for you?? … Hopefully, you’ve read my previous post (A Step by Step Guide .. 1) and worked through your 10 step pre-mortgage checklist – If not,...

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by Matthew Colley on 20th Jan 2020

The process of buying a house in the UK can be quite a long and complex process, and for the majority of people it’s not something that they will do often. For the benefit of those who would appreciate and find confidence through...

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by on 29th Sep 2019

Launching a new business and diving into the realm of the self-employed is scary enough. Add the necessity of being the face of your brand, networking becomes an important component of business growth. What has subsequently followed...

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by on 7th May 2019

Vision.   It’s the way we live our lives. We need to ‘see’ where we are going in our minds. I’m talking about inner vision. Our destiny is how we fashion it.   We need to have a vision...

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by Rachel Sestini on 8th Aug 2018

You’ll all have heard about auto-enrolment in the context of pensions but if you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner you may have switched off, thinking it doesn’t fit your needs. All employees between 22...

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by on 1st May 2018

"I'm too busy", is a phrase that I hear all too often. This is not hugely surprising. After all, companies are trying to do more with less. What is surprising, is what usually follows those three words.  "I'm...

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by Philippa Constable on 30th Nov 2017

Have you considered how networking can help you at every stage of your business? If you are looking to start up on your own or have recently delved into the self-employed world, networking is a key stepping stone in helping you...

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by Philippa Constable on 2nd Nov 2017

We all know that word of mouth recommendation is the MOST powerful marketing you can do for your business. That’s why most people network, to build long term genuine relationships so that members can confidently recommend you...

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by Philippa Constable on 19th Oct 2017

It happens all the time, and pretty much at every networking meeting I go to. Most people are not aware they are doing it. But, it isn’t serving them! So, what am I talking about? It’s when a business owner starts to...

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by Philippa Constable on 11th Jul 2017

Business networking helps many business owners and entrepreneurs build long term relationships, and one of the most exciting elements is what this can lead to. For me, the art of good networking is all about collaboration. I'm a...

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by Richard Jay on 12th Jun 2017

Becoming self employed is a huge leap of faith. It has now been 9 months since I jumped ship from the Corporate World to start a Virtual Assistant business. It has been a massive learning curve and at times a "what have I done...

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by on 1st Jun 2017

“Networking works best when we engage with each other on a personal level, getting to know each other as people” – Philippa Constable Most people have two different personalities; who they are at work, and who...

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by on 23rd May 2017

The main way to get the most of networking is making sure you have the right attitude going forward. How do you display yourself when you go into a meeting? Are you upbeat and positive, ready to make the most of it? Or are you tired...

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by on 26th Jan 2016

Did you know, in a recent New York Times survey of peoples’ greatest fears, death came in third, followed by walking into a room full of strangers and speaking in public.  Networking involves standing up and speaking...

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