
Member Presentation Guide

Your 10 Minute Presentation 

All members get the chance to do 10-minute presentation about their business. This is a great opportunity to showcase you and your company. The aim is to educate the members so that they can tell other people about you and your business and find referrals for you. Doing the 10 minute slot often leads to immediate enquiries and business.

Your group will want to understand who your customers are and what new business you’re looking for. They will also want to grasp exactly what you do. Showing examples of work you’ve done with clients is a great way to get people to understand what you offer. Feel free to give out hand outs and any other marketing materials that will help.

Everyone has a different style so just do what feels best for you. If you need a projector and screen or a flip chart, we can usually sort that out – just let the group leader know in advance.


  • Start by telling the group a bit about you.  For example, share information about your background, family, children, hobbies, and how you got into the business you are in today.  Don’t forget that people buy people so it’s interesting to hear your story, and to learn more about you as a person.  
  • Try and get across your passion for what you do.  Why do you love your work/business/role?
  • What is your USP (unique selling point) or what makes you different? 
  • What do your customers say about you?  Could you share some testimonials?
  • Tell a story about a particular project if it helps demonstrate your point of difference – people like to hear a story ... it makes your business sound more interesting and engaging.
  • You could use the 10 minutes to demonstrate your expertise in a particular area of your business. For example, we had one accountant who did a multiple-choice quiz about tax and accounting which was fun and memorable.  
  • How you can make your talk memorable?  One of our members came in with donuts for everyone as this is something they give to all their clients on a Friday at work (they run serviced offices).  She also told us that she is now known as the ‘Donut Girl’ – sounds silly but I remembered it!   Another member, who runs a restaurant, demonstrated her unique skills by doing a cooking demonstration and another time she brought in delicious homemade cookies for us to taste.  Again, it’s memorable and different.
  • Practice and time yourself.  10 minutes is not that long and there is nothing worse than rushing or not getting through your whole presentation in time.  Allow a couple of minutes for questions afterwards.

Good luck! And remember, everyone wants you to succeed – you’re among your business friends.  


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