The Level UP Club
What is The Level-UP Club membership?
The Level UP club is an intimate ‘club’ designed for business owners who are looking to grow their business and themselves in an environment that is encouraging, exciting, energetic, full of possibilities, with practical help, coaching, mentoring and peer to peer support.
We will help you to create the life you want for your business and YOU on your own terms. It’s a journey of discovery, new ideas, exploring many possibilities, and overcoming the hurdles along the way.
The Level UP club recognizes that to succeed in business, you need to have a vision, a plan, 100% focus, accountability, be ready AND committed to taking the next big leap UP.
Who’s it for?
Business owners and entrepreneurs who have reached a stage in their business where they have already enjoyed some success and making a reasonable income BUT they want to achieve so much more! More success, more clients, more profit and not at the expense of spending less time with their family!
We know and appreciate how difficult it is to grow a sustainable and profitable business all by yourself. You are limited to your own ideas, thoughts and knowledge and you sometimes you probably let yourself off the hook. You may have found yourself staying steadily ‘busy’, but the days go by, without you moving forward. Or you’ve fallen into the trap of procrastination and feel ‘stuck’ – like a hamster in a wheel going round and round and not getting anywhere! Perhaps you don’t have the right positive environment or people around you right now (that includes family and friends) and you know you need to make a big shift in your life to create a place of abundance.
You might be thinking of growing a ‘team’ and expanding your business so you can take on more clients. Perhaps you’ve aspirations to grow a national or worldwide business, an online business, write a book, extend your revenue streams, or simply want to explore the different business models and alternative routes to your market.
The Level UP club is ideal for anyone who recognizes and is looking for support both on a personal and business level. We all know you can have the best business plan, the best ideas, the best set of goals, but if there are blocks, challenges, and personal stuff getting in the way, it’s going to make it that much harder to get there.
You deserve all success, abundance, happiness & joy in your life and business and now you realise that you want some help and support, and to have some fun on the journey!
What is the commitment?
The Level UP club is a new membership level where you will immerse yourself for a minimum of one year to truly focus on your vision, goals, and create the right mindset to take the actions needed to make your plans a reality.
You will be part of a small intimate group with no more than 6 to 8 other business owners who are all on their own pathways. As a group, you will work together to support & encourage each other through the year, and commit to the process of masterminding, learning from experts, and participate in weekly, monthly, and quarterly meetings.
You will invest your time and energy into 4 AWAY days so that you can take time out from your busy world and immerse yourself in working ON your business and ON your future.
These away days will be in glorious and inspirational surroundings to create the ultimate feel good factor so you have the most pleasurable experience, discover your creativity and enjoy a delicious lunch.
You will celebrate with each other on your breakthroughs, reflect and brainstorm on the challenges, and ultimately work ON your business to create the life that will make you truly happy, fulfilled and singing from the rooftops!
You can expect fluid & bespoke learning and we will introduce the right experts based on the needs of the group.
These quarterly away days will be set dates throughout the year.
In addition to the masterminding away days, you will have the support and opportunity for;
- Monthly team meetings
- Weekly buddy calls
- Daily Inspirations