
Useful resources

Here are some useful organisations which we think might be of interest to you. - Women on Boards is an open, action-oriented, UK-wide organisation for women seeking to leverage their professional skills and experience into board and leadership roles - Business West is a leading membership and economic development organisation delivering an extensive range of services to businesses. - Women in Rural Enterprise (WiRE). A business club designed to help women with all aspects of starting and maintaining their own rural enterprise. Members can attend regular networking events and seminars throughout the UK, and access information via newsletters and the website. - Prowess 2.0 Women in business - the leading online centre for UK women in business. Women in business support, resources and news. - H M Revenue and Customs - BRAVE enterprise is a Bristol based independent, not-for-profit organisation and helps entrepreneurs start and run successful and profitable businesses in Bristol. BRAVE provide advice, training and tailor made consulting services. - The j4bgrants website provides comprehensive, up-to-date and fully searchable information on the hundreds of grants, loans, venture capital schemes and other funds available to UK businesses. It covers all major European Union and UK Government funds, along with regional development agency schemes and harder to find local opportunities, such as the Aspire Investment Fund where financial assistance is available in the form of equity investments for women-led businesses that have high growth potential. -  Resource available from HMRC to help new business start ups get to grips with tax, National Insurance, business records and expenses.  It's an e-learning course which will build your confidence by guiding you through everything you need to know to get started. There are useful tips from others who have been where you are now and practical case studies to help you along the way.


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